Meet the MIGHTY Okimasis!

Age 11, Onicikiskwapowin (Saddle Lake Cree Nation)

What makes Okimasis MIGHTY:

He loves being part of ceremonies, he enjoys oskapew – being a helper

And being a brother to his six siblings

And playing hockey and basketball

And living a life full of gratitude

And after a traumatic brain injury led to an epilepsy diagnosis, partial blindness and various neurological disorders, Okimasis tries to do anything he puts his mind to.

"To have trust in the Stollery with our most precious gift, our children's lives, is truly a blessing. The staff are very professional, and the health care provided is the best in the world." 

– Sakawiskwew & Leon, Okimasis's parents

BE MIGHTY and help kids like Okimasis!

  • Meet the MIGHTY Okimasis!

    Uploaded February 7th, 2024